OneList Release Version 7.2 is out and our technical team has included a summary and highlights below to focus in on what’s new and exciting in this latest release. If you want to be part of our beta testing please contact us.

Also you can access our Solution Documentation if you wish to review the release notes and learn more about OneList via the User and Administrations Guides.

What’s New

Version 7.2 includes the following enhancements and features:

  • Supports multiple languages and timezones
  • Supports configurable terms and translations
  • Supports “Most Recent” view of Actioned Tasks for multi approval workflows
  • Supports launching of specific tasks via push notification click
  • Supports launching of specific tasks via task url(s) in emails
  • Supports Apple’s new HTTP2 token based push notifications
  • General monitoring and reporting enhancements

1. Multilingual Support

OneList now speaks multiple languages and supports different timezones! This means users’ can now view and use OneList in their preferred language and display date and times in their preferred format and timezone. Users’ can set their preferred Language and Timezone via OneList Web and Mobile Settings.

OneList on Mobile
OneList on Mobile
OneList on Mobile

2. [Terms] & Translations

Not only does OneList support multiple languages and timezones, it’s also fully configurable and translatable with the introduction of [Terms] & translations.

So, what are [Terms]? And why are we wrapping [Terms] with square brackets?  In OneList, we’ve introduced a way to mix dynamic content with translatable texts without the need of the traditional resource files. Terms are configurable, translatable, and reusable texts throughout the OneList ecosystem. This new feature enables you to easily configure task categories, task details, and email templates in multiple languages when applicable.

  • To add & configure a term: You simply highlight the text you want to add as a term, right-click, and Add Term and its translations.
  • To reuse a term: You simply type in a square bracket and OneList will search for existing terms that you can use.
OneList 7.2 Terms and Categories

3. Most Recent View

As we continue to improve the Task Action History in OneList, we’ve introduced a way for Approvers to view the latest version of the task. This comes in very handy in multi approval workflows, and it’s now in OneList.

OneList 7.2 Most Recent View
OneList V7.2 Recent View Mobile
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